When you consider that employees spend a good portion of their lives at their work place, it is not a small matter to them as to the "work ecologies" that they have to operate within on a daily basis. With 77 million "Baby Boomers" followed by 66 million "X-Gen's" it becomes readily apparent that soon the numbers of individuals who would be available or willing to have a career in the late age industry will be dwindling. This will, over the coming years, cause labor inflation; too few qualified workers for jobs that need replacement infill.
What will attract and keep these workers? Studies show that salary is not the number one item; personal growth, a career path, a stimulating work environment are high on the list of "attractants". Couple these issues with the number one factor for all employees everywhere, the cost of healthcare insurance and the quality of insurance.
What better way to attract and keep employees, than to make them a part of the community wellness program, so that they, at a younger age, can almost insure that they will live healthier, longer and for less healthcare dollars than their cohorts.
Not a minor issue, is the fact that a business in which the employees and staff live and breathe the culture passionately will be those who identify with those they serve on a more personal basis of shared values. At St. Leonard this strategy goes even further, as the employees, in accordance with the Vital Life Community Wellness Program criteria, will literally be engaged with, and a part of, this unique extended family; they will not care for, those they serve, but they will care about them, due to familiarity, friendships and shared values.
When the EMPLOYEES LIVE it, it is a win-win situation as the whole community becomes more vital and alive, more than humans just doing, but humans being.