The Vital Life Community Wellness Program was born!
March 12th and 13th 2008 were the days that 50 leaders in development, healthcare, medicine and academia, met in Atlanta, Georgia to consider the proposition of the possibility of reversing the aging process through the intercession of a purpose-driven lifestyle.
Thus the "Reversing the Aging Process Symposium 2008" was convened and life as we knew it would never again be the same.
The key questions asked were:
The session began with Bill Witte, Executive Director of the Vital Nation, revealng his research that was embodied in a thesis entitled "The Vital Life Community". The he posited the question of "reversing the aging process" to the vetting audience.
To examine the answers to the key foundational questions three renown authors and practitioners were invited as Keynote Speakers to share their success stories on the related key topics.
The speakers were: