The basic Vital Life Wellness Program Core Concept is the same in all communities, and that is the community program, vision and published goals are all dedicated to the proposition of enabling their constituents to live better, longer, and more vitally in every dimension of mind body and spirit.
The delivery vehicle of the program is high levels of socialization and interdependent living; only when we work together focusing on simple unimpeachable values and goals can we succeed.
What goal could be more universal than living longer, happier, healthier, and for less money?
To this end, the program and it's foundational research embodies literally hundreds of component initiatives that run the gamut from the fitness programs to the lighting one should have in their living spaces.
This suggested, grappling with key questions, that first must be answered before the program can be implemented.
See the article to your right >>>
The Key Questions for Wellness Community Creation
What are the key questions we have to answer before we decide to disembark on this community venture. What will the process look like, and why?
The element of our society most at risk, especially as we know it in the fall of 2011, will be the late aging Americans who will impact society and their own adult children. Why: because the covenant programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other civil and private programs to help support them in cost of living and cost of healthcare are on the chopping block because the funds for the entirety of these entitlement programs do not exist, and a bankrupt nation has no means to fill those empty coffers.
So the Vital Nation, and its vision of the Vital Life Community, effected a triage and decided that the best petri dish if you will, to test the Vital Life Community Program would be a retirement community. This was decided upon for two reasons:
- These communities are filled with older Americans
- They are retired and have the time to help engage in a great experiment and become the model by which the program would then continuously be modified given what we learn from our Beta Communities and the Certified Communities
Implementation from theory to practical implementation is not an easy thing to explain verbally, so a handbook was created, focusing on our model community type, the CCRC, or Continuing Care Retirement Community.
This model of community type was chosen because it embodies the three stages of mature adult lifestyle, in Independant Living, Assisted Living, and Nursing Care.
Please feel free to download our Vital Life Handbook by clicking on the PDF below:
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